A massively in-depth 10th Century Viking/Celtic city setting.

System agnostic. Ath Cliath is the legendary city of Dublin. An excellent complement to Children of Eiru system and many others. 

Welcome to Ath Cliath, City of Gold. The Vikings have conquered the richest port in Hibernia, and the One-Eyed King sits on the Riverfleet Throne. He rules a city ever-richer, a place of swift minds and much wealth, and bustling business and intrigue, a bright beacon in a darkening world. What is King Sitric up to? He doubles the price of everything with his taxes; where does all that money go?

In these pages, you’ll meet hundreds of people, with detailed backstories and desires. Ath Cliath comes alive down to the last street cobble and swooping seagull, all that work is already done for you — so you can concentrate on the ADVENTURE! With many more add-on books soon to be released and more planned, this city will be vibrant, dynamic and ever-growing for years to come.

The world is in turmoil, the apocalypse known as “Ragnarök”, or as the Gael call it “the Twilight”, has begun. The book is written for the Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok game, however, it has been designed in a way that will work with any RPG system and similar game world.

Welcome! Ath Cliath awaits!

Format 6 1/4 x 9 1/4, colour hardcover
Type Setting
Pages 359
Rule System/Engine Systemless. Part of the Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok universe.
People & Companies
Author Ed Greenwood and Andrew Valkauskas

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Ath Cliath: Overview

  • Brand: Pendelhaven
  • Product Code: PNH0043-1
  • Availability: 1
  • £35.00

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Tags: FotN: Ragnarok, Runes, Runic, Viking, Celtic, City