• AA#15 Stonesky Delve

Giant Stonesky Mountain has been a spiritual home for the Dwarves since the first clan received the 4 Pillars of the Underearth from Motsognir. The voice of the dwarven deity purified the halls and caves under Stonesky and the mountain has been a sanctified place for all the various dwarven peoples. And now, as lamentable dwarven internal conflicts rage on, a new entrance into the Stonesky has prompted an exploratory party. Unwilling to send his own into the dark hole when they are so desperately needed elsewhere, the local Hlaford's hired you for your delving expertise. Your mission - enter, explore, map, and do not return to the surface until the passing of three days! Who knows what challenges, wonders, and dangers lie ahead?

Advanced Adventures #15 Stonesky Delve is An OSRIC(tm) module designed for 6-10 adventures of levels 4-7.

Find out more about Expeditious Retreat Press on their Sorcery & Super Science blog.

Format 8.5" x 11" black and white
Type Adventure module
Pages 24 pages
Rule System/Engine OSRIC / 1st edition Fantasy

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AA#15 Stonesky Delve

  • £5.00

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Tags: Advanced Adventures, OSRIC, AD&D adventure, dwarves, dwarf